Defence Cooperative Research Centres (DCRCs)

The Defence Co-operative Research Centre (DCRC) program forms part of the NGTF , a new initiative announced by the government in the 2016 Defence Industry Policy Statement. The program will establish a small number of co-operative research centres, each focused on a high priority next generation technology with the potential to have a game-changing effect on defence capabilities.

Through DCRCs, Defence seeks to link industry, particularly Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with academia and DST scientists to create vibrant collaborative research and innovation networks focusing on  Defence capability outcomes.

The first DCRC will be in Trusted Autonomous Systems, inviting formal applications in 2017. Further Defence CRCs will be progressively established. Topics for subsequent Centres will be identified through analysis and consultation with Defence, including taking note of the outcomes of the NGTF Technology Foresighting program.

Details for each proposed DCRC and how to apply will be made available via Special Notices under the Call for Submissions.